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IT Infrastucture Managed service

IT Infrastucture Managed service

Infrastucture Managed Services

VSFITS Company recognizes the crucial importance of streamlined and reliable infrastructure to support its operations. VSFITS has chosen to partner with top-tier infrastructure managed services. These services offer a comprehensive solution, including network monitoring, server maintenance, and cloud management.

By entrusting their infrastructure management to these experts, This strategic decision not only enhances the company’s operational efficiency but also allows them to adapt to evolving technology trends and stay ahead in their competitive market.

Next Generation Managed Services

Our approach to Managed Services tools goes beyond merely addressing IT issues; we view these tools as catalysts for overall business improvement. While various models exist within Managed Services, the key differentiator lies in how well we align service delivery with core business processes. The pivotal shift from people-centric models to self-service capabilities, coupled with the elimination of employee downtimes, is paramount. 

This transformation not only enhances operational efficiency but also greatly improves the customer experience. The adoption of this Next Gen model in Managed Services has the potential to redefine the landscape of business success, making it a game-changing strategy.

Data Center Services

VSFITS’ data center management services and solutions have revolutionized the way technical and IT issues are being managed. With our Proactive and Predictive approach, we’ve made running your businesses smoother than ever.

Some issues faced by our clients


Unavailability of skilled resources in all shifts.


Lack of the right processes


Lack of proactive monitoring


Infrastructure design

Data Center Management

With 24x7 proactive monitoring

OS monitoring and management

Infrastructure performance and capacity management

Patch management

Virtualization administration

Network and Security Service Management

Security device management

OS monitoring and management

Monitor, manage, and control configuration aspects of network devices, router, switches Etc.

Bandwidth monitoring and analysis

Maintain security updates compliance

Cloud Infrastructure Management

With 24x7 proactive monitoring

Compute OS and DB management

Resource optimization

VPN and firewall management

Reporting and dashboards

Storage, backups, restore, and site recovery management

Hybrid cloud management

Audit and compliance

Database Management

Database monitoring

Automation of capacity management

User/schema management

Performance management

Implementation of cluster and high availability solutions

Implementing replication

Database restore and backup

Database optimisation

Benefits You Get With Our Proactive And Predictive Approach

Cloud Journey

Predictive analysis utilizes big data to empower the company to make better, stronger decisions.

More Effective Budget Planning

Predicting future outcomes makes it easier to plan and allocate finances.

Reduced Expenses

Preventive measures taken for predictable issues cuts down on risks and expenses.

Cut Out Downtime Losses In Productivity

Identify challenges before they affect productivity.

Faster Deliverables

Reduced downtime and increased productivity means that your timelines are always on track.

Improve Customer Loyalty With Unmatched Efficiency

We help you focus on your core business by mitigating risks before they happen, improving business efficiency, and keeping your clients happy.

Business Firsts

Beyond IT-link operational metrics to business KPI

Establishment of support for critical business events

Ensuring the reliability of IT infrastructure to support continuous business operation

Converged Operations

One-touch resolution.

Single point of ownership for all incidents across computers, network, security, storage, backup, cloud, and database.

Cross-functional teams to enable faster response.

Automation Based Efficiency

Identification of candidates for automation and elimination

Guided operations and Runbook automation

Predictive analytics.

Intelligent rule-based dynamic workflow.

Cloud-Like Experience

Automated provision of services

Noiseless monitoring and infra housekeeping without impacting business operations.

Rapid de-provisioning

Real-time dashboards

Latest Tools At Your Disposal

State of the art RIM Command Centre



Predictive Analytics

Automation Technology

Process Centered Approach

ITIL and ISO approved processed for service delivery

Flexible & Responsive Approach

Zero incidence methodology

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